Andaman and Nicobar, being an ideal gateway to spend your time just relaxing and enjoying entrance. The most convenient time to visit Andaman and Nicobar Islands is between November and February the weather is nice. Tourists can get to reach by air or sea.
Tourism is increasing rapidly day by day in the Andaman Nicobar Islands. Before planning to have trip to Andaman & Nicobar Island, some practical information about the island, it is quite essential. So tourists should have practical information related to Visa, currencies and languages known and spoken by people, religions, traditions, beliefs, safety and security of tourists. This information helps tourists to visit Andaman and Nicobar easily. Depending on the climate of the island, carry a lot of cotton clothing. It is not the warm and humid climate throughout the year. During the evening it becomes very hot. It is recommended to bring sunscreen ointments, balms tan and a pair of sunglasses and hats. For Indian citizens no visa is required. Many people are confused if India Andaman Islands is a part of India or not.
Andaman Nicobar Islands has become one of the favorite places for tourists. With the increasing number of visitors, the security challenges are also increasing. Safety factors are the main concern of the administration. To give a sense of comfort, safety and security, administration make security available for tourists, giving them the security police of tourism and life guards on the beaches.